E-Poster Guidelines

The deadline for e-poster submission was extended to July 31st. (Closed)

Since the reviewing process of abstracts submitted for e-Poster presentations at ICoMST2022 has been almost completed, authors will receive an email notice soon. Most abstracts have been accepted without any modifications. If authors are requested to modify their abstracts by reviewers, please adjust them accordingly by July 15th.

Authors who are accepted their abstracts should submit e-Poster files by July 31st. E-Posters will be available for attendees to view on the congress portal website. Several excellent e-Posters by young presenters will be awarded by Meat Science journal (Elsevier B.V.).

Detailed Instructions:

The outline of preparing an e-Poster is as follows.

  • E-Poster should be prepared as a Microsoft PowerPoint file (.pptx).
  • E-Posters are limited to a maximum of 15 pages without an audio recording.
  • All slides must be in landscape format, 4/3 ratio.
  • The data of the e-Poster uploaded can be modified and updated until the deadline.

Call for Abstract

Important Dates (Closed)

Deadline for abstract submissionJune 20, 2022
Deadline for e-Poster submissionJuly 15, 2022 July 31, 2022

The ICoMST 2022 scientific committee welcomes authors to submit abstracts for the e-Poster presentation. The committee must approve all abstracts prior to the conference. Registered attendees can only submit e-Posters. Accepted poster presenters are invited to upload an e-Poster without an audio recording. Only a few authors will be invited as oral presenters at ICoMST 2022.

E-Posters will be available for attendees to view on our website. The chat window will be set up on the poster upload screen. Attendees can contact authors via text chat (on-demand discussion). Several excellent poster presentations will be awarded at the closing ceremony.

Abstracts must be prepared within 800 words and be submitted using the online form. They should be written in plain English and is understandable to broader attendees. Detailed information such as instructions for preparing abstracts and e-Posters will be announced on this site.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Submission Period (Closed)

Abstracts for the e-Poster presentation at ICoMST 2022 must be submitted electronically using the online submission form by June 20, 2022. Abstracts received after the deadline, due to any reason, will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.

Abstract Structure

Abstracts should represent the original work and must be written in English. The abstract should not exceed 800 words in length without any charts/images (tables and figures). Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines will be asked to revise.

Abstracts should include:

  • Presenter
  • Affiliation information
  • Co-authors
  • Preferred category
  • Presentation title
  • Abstract text
    • Objectives
    • Materials and Method
    • Results and Discussion
    • Conclusions (if needed)
    • References (if needed)
  • Keywords (within 5 words)

Categories of Presentation

Authors can choose in which category they would like to submit their abstracts. We will respect the authors’ preference but reserves the right to assign the category.

Abstract Submission Categories are:

  1. Muscle biology
  2. Meat biochemistry
  3. Meat processing
  4. Meat quality
  5. Meat production
  6. Consumer science
  7. Meat products
  8. Meat microbiology
  9. Meat safety
  10. Other topics of meat science and technology

Abstract Submission (Closed)

Once you have prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines, please submit it to the congress secretariat electronically using the online submission form by June 20.

Notification of Acceptance

After submitting the abstract, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your abstract. In June, the authors will be notified by email whether the abstract has been accepted for the e-Poster presentation. If a revision is required, the revised abstract must be sent back. Only a few authors will be invited as oral presenters at ICoMST 2022.

E-Poster Submission (Closed)

If your abstract has been accepted as an e-Poster presentation, you will be asked to prepare a poster in electronic format (e-Poster). Guidelines for e-Poster presentations will be provided to authors of accepted abstracts. Since only registered attendees can submit e-Posters, authors must complete registration by the end of June. E-Poster must be submitted by July 31, 2022.

Caution Items for Abstract Submission

-When registering an abstract for the first time: Please select "SIGN UP" on the page that opens after clicking the “Online Submission” button below to submit.

-When confirm or edit your abstract: After clicking the button below, select "LOG IN" on the page that opens, log in with your registered email address and password, and then check or edit on “My Page”. Please note that the notification email will not be delivered if you make edits.

-When submit two or more abstracts (when the presenter information is the same): After logging in to “My Page”, you can submit without re-entering the presenter information from “New Abstract Registration”. Please note that the notification email will not be sent if you submit the second and subsequent abstracts from “New Abstract Registration” on “My Page”.

*Confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address.

*If you have anti-spam measures, please set to receive"@jtb.com".

*If you do not receive the submission complete mail within 3 business days, please contact congress secretariat by email below.

Online Submission


Contact Information for Inquiries Regarding Abstract Submission

Congress Secretariat c/o JTB Corp. Western Japan MICE Branch